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Towards an European Criminal Procedure: Integration at the Expense of Human Rights

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Zlata Đurđević is a Full Professor of Criminal Procedural Law, Human Rights Law, European and International Criminal Law and Psychiatric Law at the School of Law, University of Zagreb. She obtained her LLM in Criminal Law and PhD from the University of Zagreb and holds an MPhil Degree in Criminology from the University of Cambridge. She is a Deputy of the Secretary General and a member of the Executive Committee of the International Organization of Penal Law (AIDP) and president of the Croatian Association of Criminal Sciences and Praxis. She has written over 50 publications and presented at over 70 national and international conferences. Moreover, Maria Curie EU NEWFELPRO grant enabled her to be for two years a Senior Research Scholar at the Yale Law School.

Her NEWFELPRO project is called Towards an European Criminal Procedure: Integration at the Expense of Human Rights (EuroCrimPro). The general objective of the research is to test the integration of European criminal procedures through human rights criteria. The convergence of national criminal procedure in EU has intensified after the Lisbon Treaty, due to the EU's supranational legislative powers in the field of criminal procedure. The EU is intensively using this power, adopting until beginning of 2014 eight directives related to criminal proceedings and proposing the establishment of the European Public Prosecutors Office. The project entails the assessment of the hypothesis that European criminal justice systems' integration creates an insufficiency in the protection of HR within the criminal justice system. This project engages normative, empirical and comparative based approach focusing on the U.S. federal criminal procedure. The specific objective shall be to establish a comparison of American and European integration of the criminal justice system from the point of view of human rights.

By this moment, she had several public presentations that are linked to her NEWFELPRO project:

Also, she wrote several papers:

She created curriculum, introduced a new course at the Faculty of Law University of Zagreb entitled European and International Cooperation in Criminal Matters at the University of Zagreb.