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Successful NEWFELPRO stories: Stanislav Boldyryev in race with the energy efficiency

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Stanislav Boldyryev, picture taken from website.
Stanislav Boldyryev is a NEWFELPRO's researcher from the incoming scheme, who has successfully completed his two year long project entitled The Carbon footprint reduction and energy efficiency via an advanced development techniques for Total Site Integration (CARBEN) at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture at the University of Zagreb, under the supervision of Professor Goran Krajačić.

His NEWFELPRO project focuses on a developmental research in the scientific field of the process integration and chemical engineering, by which he wants to expand the use of the Total Site Analysis aiming to reduce CO2 emissions by increasing the recovery of energy and increasing the share of
renewable energy in primary energy mixture. By developing TSI research he wanted to fulfil energy needs of the different users. Furthermore, he wanted to introduce renewable energy sources during Total Site Integration.

During the implementation of his project, professor Boldyryev held lectures for the Ministry of Environment and Energy, lectures for students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture at the University of Zagreb ( "Energy efficiency and industry", "Total Site Integration"), and two workshops for academic staff of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture at the University of Zagreb. He wrote eight peer reviewed scientific papers, two book chapters and eleven conference papers and presentations.

Among other things, he attended following conferences:

He organised a special session entitled Industrial applications and IT tools for sustainable future at 10th SDEWES Conference (2015, Dubrovnik).

He has participated as an author of the following scientific papers:

Also, co-author in book chapters:

He was a supervisor of BSc diploma of Valentino Kudeljan at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture at the University of Zagreb.

In collaboration with his colleagues Neven Duic and Tomislav Puksec he made the changes in Croatian by-low for energy audit of big companies (Narodne novine, No 127/2014).

During the implementation of his project he participated in workshops that aim to develop new complementary skills:
His future plan is to pursue an academic career in Croatia in one of the Center of Excellence, and he wishes to establish an industrial-academic cooperation.
